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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

St Matthew's Church of England Academy & Nursery - please view our admissions pages for places available in Nursery, Reception and throughout the school.
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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Spring Term: People Who Help Us and Growing & New Life

Spring One, will cover the topic "People Who Help Us".


In PSED, we will be looking at our “Amazing Bodies” what we need to do to look after them. We will learn the names of different body parts and look at healthy eating, healthy habits such as exercising and sleep and learn about germs and how we can protect our bodies from bad germs.


Communication and Language will focus on continuing to develop your child's vocabulary whilst encouraging them to share their thoughts and ideas. We will play group games to encourage children to clearly speak to each other whilst providing opportunities for sustained thinking which will develop their listening and attention skills.


Physical development is split into developing your child's fine motor skills through a variety of different individual activities and whole class daily dough disco. We will have PE twice a week to develop gross motor skills and do large muscle activities in between. We will encourage the children to use the outdoor equipment in different ways to further develop these skills. This half term the children will be learning about “The Best of Balls” learning about different types of balls and how they are used in different sports.


Literacy is split into writing and reading. Children will take part in a daily phonics lesson and we use the programme "LearnPhonics!" This half term for Reception they will learn more tricky words and will be moving onto learning digraphs (where two letters make the one sound) handouts for the half term will be loaded onto Tapestry. Preschool will continue to play different phonics games focussing on the seven different areas of Phase One. Writing will continue to focus on mark making and letter formation with those that are ready beginning to write captions and simple sentences.


The class books that will be covered in Literacy lessons are: Cops and Robbers by Allan and Janet Ahlberg, A Superhero Like You by Dr. Ranj Singh and The Jolly Postman by Allan and Janet Ahlberg.


Maths - Preschool and Reception both follow the White Rose scheme which is used by the rest of the school. We follow planning from Master the Curriculum to ensure full coverage of the EYFS curriculum.

Reception will learn about squares, rectangles, features of four sided shapes, sequencing, 0, Subitising 0 – 5, representing and composing 0 – 5, one more and one less, mass (lighter and heavier), capacity (empty and full), making comparisons between two or more objects mass or capacity, finding, representing and composing 6, 7 and 8, making pairs, doubles, combining two groups and subitising 6, 7 and 8.

Preschool will learn about continuing and creating AB patterns, fixing patterns and the introduction of ABC patterns, subitising, counting, representing and composing 3, subitising, counting, representing and composing 4.


Understanding the World

The children will take part in a weekly RE lesson, the big question for this half term is: What Did Jesus Teach? The children will learn about this through the different parables that Jesus taught.

We will be learning about “People Who Help Us” by looking at different jobs that people have and how they help us, including what they use or transport they use. We also hope to have visitors from different jobs come in and share about their job with the children. We will look at how these jobs differ around the world and link in with Super Heroes.

We will also visit the local common to explore and look for seasonal changes from Autumn to Winter.

Explore different materials and decide which would be the best to make a new uniform for the coast guard.

Explore floating and what happens when you force and object that floats under water what can they feel.


Expressive Arts & Design

Music will be completed using the Charanga Music programme, this term’s topic is called “Everyone”.

There will opportunities for children to role play different scenarios including different job roles. Construct and design their own versions of emergency vehicles using junk modelling resource and create their own pictures using a variety of loose part resources. Collage emergency service uniforms.
