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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4!

Mr Farr welcomes all pupils, parents and carers to our class page. The learning for each term will be updated, along with photos of our learning. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Turner. Our P.E. days are on a Thursday and Friday our children should come to school wearing correct P.E. kit and suitable footwear. If you have any questions please feel free to make an appointment and speak to me after school.

Our learning for Autumn:



For this term, our class text is Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We will be immersing ourselves into the life of Olive throughout her experiences in WWII. We will be creating a Diary entry and also creating our very own suspense narrative.






This first term back into School, Class 4 will be looking into Place Value, the Four Operations (+,-,x, ÷), Statistics, Perimeter, Area  and Volume and then will end our Autumn term looking at Fractions.

As the Year 6's start there approach to SATs in Summer 2025, we will also be looking at SATs style questions and papers throughout the year to allow for familiarity within the learning environment.


Some useful websites for you to use at home are: (especially the Daily 10 section which the children use at school)




Our first topic in Science is the Earth and Space, we will be looking at the following this term:

-Spherical bodies

-The Planets

-Geocentric and Heliocentric

-Night and Day

The movement of the Moon.


Our second topic in Science is all about Light, where we will be looking at the following:

-How we see.

-Reflecting light


-Spectacular spectrums





In History, Class 4 are looking at Early Islamic Civilisations and understanding how capitals are formed and the impact it has had on the modern world.



This term Class 4 are looking at North American Art, developing an artistic understanding of how Art was created and even creating their own North American inspired Art.



Children will be looking at What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? 

Class 4  will be reviewing:

-The Five Pillars as expressions of ibadah.

-The value and challenges of following the Five Pillars.





All the learning is focused around 'Happy', Class 4 will be focusing on the parts of the songs and also reviewing and analysing the music in detail



Our topic in French is all about 'Numbers in dates and months'.



During our unit of 'Kodu programming' Class 4 will be looking at coding in finer detail and also programming outputs and inputs.



For further parent guidance on out Year 6 SATs this year, you can gain more information at:


SATS guidance for Parents
