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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

St Matthew's Church of England Academy & Nursery - please view our admissions pages for places available in Nursery, Reception and throughout the school.
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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Autumn Term: All About Me and Light and Dark

Autumn One


We will cover the topic "All About Me".


In PSED, we will be looking at what it means to be "me" and what it means to be unique. We will be discussing emotions and feelings and what to do if we need help with how we are feeling. Talk about personal hygiene, healthy eating and the importance of physical activity. We will work on developing friendships and how to play together and resolve conflicts.


Communication and Language will focus on continuing to develop your child's vocabulary whilst encouraging them to share their thoughts and ideas. We will play group games to encourage children to clearly speak to each other whilst providing opportunities for sustained thinking which will develop their listening and attention skills.


Physical development is split into developing your child's fine motor skills through a variety of different individual activities and whole class daily dough disco. We will have PE twice a week to develop gross motor skills and do large muscle activities in between. We will encourage the children to use the outdoor equipment in different ways to further develop these skills.


Literacy is split into writing and reading. Children will take part in a daily phonics lesson and we use the programme "LearnPhonics!" from this you will receive a weekly handout on Tapestry (Reception only) so that you can continue to practise the sounds covered in school. Children will start with picture books to develop their language by getting them to create their own stories, this is just as important as word reading and when we will feel the children are ready we will change their books from pictures to ones with words as well. Picture books help to support your child's comprehension skills. Writing at this point of the year focuses on letter formation and making marks which the children are asked to explain.


The class books that will be covered in Literacy lessons are: What I Like About Me By Allia Zobel-Nova, Fantastic Families By Omari McQueen and Sophia Green, Colour Monster By Anna Llenas, My Bodyworks: Songs about Your Bones, Muscles, Heart and More! By Jane Schoenberg and Steven Schoenberg and Your Body, Your Senses By Peter Riley


Maths - Preschool and Reception both follow the White Rose scheme which is used by the rest of the school. We follow planning from Master The Curriculum to ensure full coverage of the EYFS curriculum.


Understanding The World

The children will take part in a weekly RE lesson, the big question for this half term is: Being Special - Where do we belong?

We will be learning about each others families and things are special or important to ourselves and our family. We look at how we have changed since we were a baby and look at similarities and differences in class as well as other places around the world. We will look at the different professions who help us and look at how they differ around the world.

We will also visit the local common to explore and look for seasonal changes from Summer to Autumn and use the book "Squirrel's Autumn Search" By Anita Loughre to complement our learning.


Expressive Arts & Design

Music will be completed using the Charanga Music programme.

There will opportunities for children to role play different scenarios, experiment with colour, materials and resources. Construct and design their own versions of emergency vehicles using junk modelling resource and create their own pictures using a variety of loose part resources.
