Class 3
Welcome to Class 3!
Y4 Multiplication Check: Information for Parents
Mrs Wiggan and Mrs Shaw welcome all pupils, parents and carers to our Class 3 page.
The learning for each half-term will be updated, along with photos of our work.
PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays and children need to come to school wearing the correct kit.
Homework is distributed on Fridays, to be completed and returned the following Friday.
This Spring term, we will be reading George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. Class 3 will step into a world of imagination and explore English skills including story structure, drama, creative writing and more.
The children will continue to study spelling, punctuation and grammar through their reading of the text over the Autumn term.
Some useful websites for you are:
This half-term, we are learning about place value, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division.
We will continue to practice our Times Tables throughout the year. These are key for our the progression of arithmetic skills and underpin the Maths curriculum in KS2 and beyond.
All pupils will be given their own Times Tables Rockstars log in. This fantastic resource should be used at least 3 times a week at home, in addition to any maths homework.
Some useful websites for you are:
- (especially the Daily 10 section which the children use at school)
We will be developing our enquiry skills through a variety of different types of investigation.
'Roman Empire and the impact on Britain' will be the history topic in the Autumn term.
In Geography we will be exploring the topic ‘All around the world’.
Our art topic this half term will be 'insects'
This term Class 3 will continue to master the art of playing the glockenspiel, learning different rhythms and melodies in groups to perform as a class. This will include playing musical games, exploring the dimensions of music (melody, pulse, rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre and dynamics), singing and playing instruments. Our song this half term will be Mamma Mia.
Throughout the term, children will explore issues around 'It's my body'.
We are exploring what it means to follow God. We will be thinking about 'What do Christians learn from the Creation story?'. We will allow childen to explore this question and encourage children to think of their own ideas.
In Computing we will learn basic programming. We will be accessing the programme Scratch.
In French, we will be learning about 'all around town' in through speaking, writing, games and song.
Our PE days are Tuesdays with Mrs Spencer and Fridays with Bee Active.