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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!

Mrs Spencer and Mrs Davies are delighted to welcome all pupils, parents and carers to our class page. The learning for each half-term will be updated. PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays, and children need to come to school wearing the correct kit.



This half term, we will be exploring The Gingerbread Man. We will read and perform the story as a class, as well as write our own version of the story.



This half-term, we are focusing on Shape, Money and Multiplication and Division, as well as ongoing arithmetic skills.

Useful online Maths resources to use at home are: Hit the Button.



We are studying the topic of ‘Uses ofEveryday Materials’ in science this half term. This will include identifying and naming everyday materials, carrying out simple investigations to decide which material is best suited to different jobs, and applying their knowledge of everyday materials to sort objects by their properties.



In History topic ‘War and Remembrance’, Class 2 will learn about the world, starting with their immediate environment. Children will explore how and why Remembrance Day is marked. They’ll also learn about the experiences of soldiers in the trenches, animals in the war, and women on the home front.



This unit introduces children to basic computing skills.



This term Class 2 will design a new lunchbox for Santa Clause. They will evaluate their own lunchboxes, discuss appropriate materials and design their own version to ensure Santa is well fed before the festive holidays!



Class 2 will explore health and well-being this term.



Class 2 will explore the importance of Christmas to Christians. They will learn about and discuss the Nativity story and consider the impact it still has on Christians today.



Our PE days with the Bee Active coaches. We are focusing on invasion games with Mrs Spencer and our fantastic Bee Active coaches. Can we please ask that all children wear the correct PE kit and cover their earrings.



We are looking at a range of music through the Charanga Music Scheme. All the learning is focused around In the Groove. Children will listen and discuss other styles of music, and continue to embed the interrelated dimensions of music through games and singing.


Children will also learn and perform songs from their upcoming Christmas Worship this term.

Class 2 Long Term Plan 2024-2025

PE Days:

Wednesdays and Thursdays
