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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

St Matthew's Church of England Academy & Nursery - please view our admissions pages for places available in Nursery, Reception and throughout the school.
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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Class 2

Class Visit: The Bramton Museum - Seasides in the Past

Class Visit: Gladstone Pottery Museum

Welcome to Class 2!

Miss Brock and Mrs Davies welcome all pupils, parents and carers to our class page. The learning for each half-term will be updated, along with photos of our work. PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays, and children need to come to school wearing the correct kit.



This half term, we will be completing work around the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have began by making our very own gingerbread men as part of our transition lesson. We will be writing instructions on how to make a gingerbread man and writing our own stories, with a few twists!






This half-term, we are focusing on Place Value and ongoing arithmetic skills. TT Rockstars practise will be highly beneficial so children become confident with multiplication and division. 

Some useful websites for you to use at home are: hit the button.



We are studying the topic 'seasons' and looking at the changes that take place. We will focus on how the seasons change the world around, especially focussing on the weather. During this topic we will visit the local common to observe the seasonal changes.  



Our history topic for Autumn 1 is the 'The Great Fire of London'. The children will learn many facts about why the fire started and why is spread so quickly. 



Online saftey 


Art - portraits 

This topic children will learn pencil control and how to shade. They will section parts of the face and eventually learn how to draw their own self portait. 




Aiming High



Who is a Muslim and how do they live?



Our PE days are Wednesdays with Miss Brock and Thursday with Bee Active coaches. This half term we are focusing on throwing and catching with Miss Brock and Mr Paul, our fantastic Bee Active Coach!




We are looking at a range of music through the Charranga Music Scheme. This half term we are learning the song 'Hey you' which we will perform with instruments to finish the topic.



Long Term Plan
