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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

St Matthew's Church of England Academy & Nursery - please view our admissions pages for places available in Nursery, Reception and throughout the school.
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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Light and Dark

The main topic we will cover is “Light and Dark” but we will also be including other events such as Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas as well as taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week,


In PSED, we will be looking at “Living in the Wider World” and covering the topic Look What I Can Do. Reception will look at: Understanding the importance of tidying up, Understanding the importance of rules, Following simple instructions and Understanding different types of clothing and what they are used for. Preschool will learn to: Understand the importance of tidying up, Follow simple instructions and Understand the importance of manners.


 Communication and Language will focus on continuing to develop your child's vocabulary whilst encouraging them to share their thoughts and ideas through class discussions, play and group activities. They will take part in group performances and we will provide opportunities for sustained thinking which will develop their listening and attention skills.


 Physical development is split into developing your child's fine motor skills through a variety of different individual activities and whole class daily dough disco. We will have PE twice a week to develop gross motor skills and do large muscle activities in between. We will encourage the children to use the outdoor equipment in different ways to further develop these skills. The children will have one session a week with Bee Active and our class P.E. will focus on Dance Skills.



Literacy is split into writing and reading. Children will take part in a daily phonics lesson and we use the programme "LearnPhonics!" As children become more confident with blending they will start to bring home Green Words which they can sound out and blend as well as Red Words which are words they have to sight read and cannot be segmented.

The class books that will be covered in Literacy lessons to develop and support writing are: Oscar and the Moth: A Book About Light and Dark (Start with Science) By Geoff Waring, Owl Babies By Martin Waddell, Sun Up, Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night (Science Works) By Jacqui Bailey and The Dark, Dark Night By M. Christina Butler . The children will also look at, write and perform poems as well as the Nursery Rhymes: Twinkle Twinkle, Incy Wincy Spider and Old MacDonald.



Preschool and Reception both follow the White Rose scheme which is used by the rest of the school. We follow planning from Master The Curriculum to ensure full coverage of the EYFS curriculum. Reception will cover the topics: “It’s Me 1, 2, 3”, “Circles and Triangles”, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” and “Shapes with 4 Sides”. Preschool will learn about “Number 1”, “Number 2: Subitising”, “Number 2” and “Pattern”.


 Understanding The World

The children will take part in a weekly RE lesson, the focus being Incarnation and the big question for this half term is: Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas?

We will be learning about Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Light and Light Sources, Shadows and Nocturnal Animals. We will be exploring difference and similarities for festivals in the class as well as other places around the world.


We will also visit the local common to explore and look for seasonal changes from Autumn to Winter.


Expressive Arts & Design

Music will be focussing on learning songs for our Christmas Nativity production.

There will opportunities for children to role play different scenarios, experiment with colour, materials and resources. Construct and design their own versions of Christmas decorations, shadow puppets and models in the construction area.
