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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Together we work, play, learn and pray with Jesus

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St Matthew’s
Church of England Academy

Local Academy Committee

Register of Governors’ Attendance at Full Governing Board Meetings for the Year 2023 to 2024

Chair of Local Academy Committee: Mrs Trudi Barnard


C/O: St Matthew’s CE Academy. Lightwood Road. Rough Close. Stoke on Trent. ST3 7NE


Being a Local Academy Committee (LAC) member



Schools are run by a governing body or local academy committee (LAC) working with the Principal and senior leadership team to ensure that pupils get a good education.


Who can become a school LAC member?

All types of people can become LAC members. No special qualifications are required, but you must be 18 or over on the date when you are elected or appointed.


Enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are the most important qualities. You don’t need to have a child at the school.


What do LAC members do?

LAC members make important collective decisions and the local academy committee is answerable to Ofsted, parents and the community.


The responsibilities of the LAC can be summarised as providing strategic management, acting as a critical friend and ensuring accountability.


Specific responsibilities include:


  • Promoting high standards of education and achievement
  • Planning the school’s long-term future
  • Setting the school’s aims and values
  • Appointing senior staff, including the Principal
  • Budgetary allocation and control


The day to day management of the academy is the responsibility of the Principal.


LAC members (governors) are one of the largest volunteer groups in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the LAC is key to the effectiveness of a school. Ofsted has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management which include the LAC.






